Our Mission

To serve our community and justice-involved clients through effective assessment, treatment, and training.

Correctional Psychology Associates provides evaluations and therapeutic services for justice-involved clients. Our team specialize in providing evidence-based and research-informed therapies aimed at helping our clients reduce their risk for reoffending so they can focus on rebuilding their life in the community.

We have a team of forensically-trained therapists that conduct criminogenic evaluations to determine treatment recommendations, as well as provide process-based group therapy and individual therapy to address the recommended interventions from evaluation. We collaborate with referring agents throughout the evaluation process to support our clients’ adherence to the expectations of their supervising agency and address individualized needs as they arise throughout a person’s time in treatment. 

Additionally, CPA has jail-based forensic clinicians that work on various programs and contracts which serve the needs of their specific population, with a specialized focus on risk evaluations for aggression, homicide risk, and suicide risk, as well providing competency enhancement services.

In all of our programs, we are effective in maintaining the integrity of the forensic evaluation process, providing quality criminogenic need treatment services, and communicating with correctional supervising agencies, all while prioritizing the therapeutic alliance and confidentiality for each person we see so that they can develop strategies for sustainable change.

About Us

Correctional Psychology Associates was founded in 1998 with the mission to provide quality, ethical therapy to those incarcerated within Colorado’s justice systems. A small team of Forensic Psychologists began working within jails and community corrections facilities, providing treatment that was informed by Risk-Need-Responsivity research on what interventions were most effective in helping someone reduce their risk of reoffending.

Since then, our team of Forensic Therapists has grown, and we now offer services in the community on an outpatient basis, as well as in local county jails on specific programs.

We are an Approved Treatment Provider (ATP) for the Colorado Department of Corrections (CDOC). We are also licensed with the State of Colorado to provide ASAM Level 1 Substance Abuse with the specialization for Education & Treatment Services for Persons Involved in the Criminal Justice System.

CPA also has several staff members approved to facilitate Domestic Violence Treatment Services through the Domestic Violence Offender Management Board (DVOMB).


  • Forensic Evaluations and Treatment

    We provide evaluations for criminogenic treatment needs with accompanying recommendations, as well as group and/or individual therapy as needed based on each person’s case and treatment needs. We utilize the body of evidence that supports the Risk-Need-Responsivity model for reducing recidivism, and this model is embedded in our provision of clinical services. Evaluations includ collateral record review (including police reports and criminal histories), assessment data analysis, and clinical interviewing.

  • Jail Based Clinical Services

    We offer contracting for local counties, as well as independent medical companies, in need of forensically-trained clinical staff. Our team has experience with differential diagnosis, competency support, and reentry services. We are adept at developing strong Work Plans that address all Scope of Work requirements while simultaneously building in solid clinical practice standards.

    If you would like to contact us about contracting any needs you may have, email us by clicking the button below.

  • Trainings and Workshops

    Our team has developed expertise in applying the Risk-Need-Responsivity model for reducing recidivism into clinical practice. In addition to our clinical services, we offer trainings to the mental health providers and local correctional agencies that would like to better understand this model and the efficacy of our clinical approach in serving our community and clients.

    Click the button below to see our current offerings and schedule a training.